Tips for Making Your Child’s Dental Visit Fun
Good oral health will affect your child’s quality of life. Both now and in years to come, it’s important for your child to maintain good dental health by brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly. However, some youngsters are terrified of the dentist. This can stem from a fear of the unknown, as well as […]
Learn MoreThe Pros and Cons of Mouthwash
You’ve probably seen all the advertisements for mouthwash claiming that they’ll keep breath fresh and give you the radiant smile you want. But what’s really behind the advertisements? Does mouthwash really offer oral health benefits or does it come with drawbacks that outweigh the good? Is mouthwash really good for you? The truth is that […]
Learn MoreWhat Are Your Teeth Made Out Of?
Kids have a great sense of curiosity, and they can ask really tough questions. They constantly wonder about the world around them and how things work. When it comes to teeth, your child may wonder what they are made of. Here is a bit of information to help with the answer. What are human teeth […]
Learn MoreLoose Teeth: To Pull or Not to Pull
Losing baby teeth is a rite of passage for many kids, and pressure comes from friends and parents alike to hasten the process. If you’re thinking about helping a loose tooth come out with a quick tug, you might want to reconsider. In most cases, letting baby teeth loosen and fall out naturally is a […]
Learn MoreThe Benefits of Flossing
Teaching your youngster to floss may seem like a cumbersome task, but as with other important life skills, the training is worth the effort. The advantages of flossing far outweigh any inconveniences that might accompany the task. Why does flossing work? Flossing helps remove edible debris from between your youngster’s teeth. This is an […]
Learn MoreThe Most Damaging Drinks for Your Child’s Teeth
Summer is coming and with it, warmer weather that makes us all reach for something cool to drink. We have endless options to quench our thirst from fountain sodas and bottled energy drinks to more natural options like organic lemonade and 100 percent fruit juice. As a parent, you want to provide the best choices […]
Learn MoreWhen to Start Considering Braces for Your Child
Orthodontic experts recommend that children be screened for braces between their 7th and 8th birthday. This is the recommended age because the child’s permanent first molars and the child’s upper and lower incisors have recently erupted or will soon erupt. At Pediatric Dentistry of Central Florida, we know the importance of a healthy, vibrant smile. […]
Learn MoreWhat Does Fluoride Do?
Many people recognize fluoride as a product in their toothpaste and an additive to their water supply, but they may not know what fluoride does to benefit their teeth. How does fluoride help your teeth? Fluoride works to benefit your teeth primarily in two ways: remineralization and bacterial control. Remineralization Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay […]
Learn MorePreventing Bottle Tooth Decay
Bottles provide a child with a quick, easy way to drink liquids and, in some cases, they can even be used as a source of comfort. Unfortunately, prolonged and frequent exposure to the liquids inside the bottle, whether it is being used purely for drinking or as a comfort source, can cause your child to […]
Learn MoreWhy Fill Cavities in Baby Teeth?
Cavities are actually holes that develop when acids within the oral cavity erode the tooth minerals. Most oral acids that cause decay come from bacteria, such as Streptococcus mutans. The oral bacteria release acid into the mouth as they consume simple carbohydrates, such as the sugar in candy. The acid is actually a byproduct of […]
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