Emergency Care

Emergency Dental Care You Can Trust

Accidents involving dental injuries can and do happen. It is important for you to know that our pediatric dentists are available to help you and your child at these unexpected times. Emergencies can be distressing for both the patient and parent. Remaining calm and taking prompt action will help minimize the damaging effects of the injury and lessen your child’s discomfort. If your child has injured their jaw, teeth, or gums, call us first so that we may assess your child’s needs and properly provide care for them. If your child has lost consciousness or you believe more bodily injury is involved, you should call 911 and proceed to your nearest hospital emergency room.

Examples of dental emergencies that would require you to contact our office:

  • Cracked or fractured teeth
  • Avulsed (knocked out) teeth
  • Severe tooth pain
  • Bleeding gums
  • Injury resulting with teeth out of position